Allegri International Foundation, Inc.
About Our Foundation
Allegri International Foundation, Inc. is a Maryland State charitable non-profit 501c3, tax exempt corporation, which has been in existence since March 1988. It is located in Potomac, MD.
Our Foundation is known for its dedication to education, enlightenment, promotion and development of the performing arts, as well as its involvement in fundraising for charitable purposes.
The Foundation's music and stage education program includes private instruction as well as master classes. The program will provide instructions from professional musicians, actors and directors.
Allegri International Foundation, Inc. shall be empowered to engage in such activities as may be desirable or required to fulfill the purposes and objectives of the Foundation.

About Chrissellene Petropoulos
and the Arts
Chrissellene G. Petropoulos is an internationally renowned opera singer. After facing vocal challenges of her own, she set out to discover the science behind vocal production. Over the course of several years, she developed a science-based method to build and repair voices. Her passion lies in sharing her knowledge with students and providing opportunities for musicians, actors, singers, dancers, and performers.
While she currently runs the Vocal Mastery Academy, Inc., Ms. Petropoulos, ever looking to the future, created the Allegri International Foundation, Inc. (501c3) to ensure that her science based system and studio will continue to benefit artists forever.
She built a performing arts venue for three purposes:
To educate performers.
To provide a venue for performing and fundraising.
To continue her legacy for future generations.
Please join us in our dream.
Contribute to our Allegri International Foundation, Inc.
Because of you our dreams are coming true!
Thank you for helping us with our dream!